LIFE: Force of the Future (FORTURE) is a project that began in October 2017, aimed at developing a sustainable manufacturing model for the production of ceramic tiles, with the support of the EU LIFE Programme.

Emerging contaminants (CEs) that, through urban wastewater and effluents from wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs), reach aquatic and terrestrial ecosystems cause negative effects on ecosystem services. LIFE CLEAN UP aims to improve water purification with an efficient and environmentally friendly technology to obtain purified water exempt from CEs.

VALUE CE-IN – “VALorisation of treated wastewater and slUdgE in view of Circular Economy and INdustrial symbiosis” is two-year industrial research project started in July 2019. It was funded by the Emilia-Romagna Regional Operational Programme 2014-2020 (ERDF ROP) in the field of the Smart Specialization Strategy (S3) and area Energy and Sustainable Development. The project is based on the key concepts of Circular Economy and Sustainable Development.

The main objective is to demonstrate the technical feasibility of using eggshell as a secondary raw material in the manufacturing of ceramic wall tiles. For this purpose, an equipment will be developed to pre-treat the eggshell in order to separate the membrane from the shell itself, thus obtaining CaCO3 from a food industry waste. This will be a simple and low-cost process.

CHIckens Manure Exploitation and RevAluation – (LIFE15 ENV/IT/000631) aims to reinvents the chicken manure disposal process, transforming waste by-product into a fertilizer, while producing energy, according to Circular Economy. LIFE CHIMERA is an innovative technology (2 patents) in a limited-size chicken manure disposal plant working at continuous cycle in the poultry farming.